The Napa Valley Triathlon Club
Bulletin Board
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On this page, we'll post classified ads and the latest news from around the club. 

  Current News

July 02:  Congrats to Greg and Jodi for passing the California Bar exam. It is expected that they will move to Florida (or perhaps a state where Jodi hasn't taken the bar) shortly.  Good luck to Lance who takes the exam soon.
July 02:  Rick has entered the Wilmington YMCA, Pinehurst and Duke Half-Ironman races, all of which are part of the NC Tri Series.  He is currently ranked 23 of 133 in the 25-29 age group.  He has contemplated retirement from triathlons after a successful finish at VINEMAN next year. 


Classified ads
To post a classified ad, pease e-mail Rick. 

For Sale 1993 Jeep Ultimate Tri Vehicle

Only $54,000 gets you a '93 Jeep that is more durable and roomie than even a Del Sol.  Comes with built-in Up-Your Gas storage area in the dashboard.   
Sweet homebrew bike pictured on top not included.   

In this area, we might include a link to the "Recent and Upcoming Events" page.